Can you explain what migimae is when you wear a yukata?
Yukata was used like a bathrobe.
A yukata is a casual, single-layered cotton kimono, usually worn in summer. It's not very expensive and it's easy to wear. It used to be worn as a kind of bathrobe and for wiping off your sweat when you took a bath with other people. Some people do not even consider a yukata to be a proper kimono and avoid wearing it when they go out . However , people started to wear one when they go to informal events such as summer festivals and firework displays in the Edo period .
*Migimae means you put the right side over first.
You can find various kinds of yukata these days. Some are like dresses with lace frills and some are like short skirts. The price is usually reasonable, so some people get them as souvenirs for people in other countries. It's easier to wear yukata than kimono, and you can put one on by yourself. This is one of the great things about wearing one. What you should focus on is pulling the right side over your chest first, migimae, so that you can easily reach into the open chest area and use it as a pocket. Migimae refers to the order of pulling the right side over first and then the left side. Let's take a look at how to put on a yukata by yourself.
How to put on a yukata by yourself.
- Put your arms through the sleeves of the yukata.
- Holding both sides of the yukata together in front of your body with one hand, try to locate the center line of it on the back of your body using the other hand and position the yukata so that the line is right in the middle of your back.
- Leave a three-finger-wide space at the back of the collar.
- Open up the yukata and pull the bottom up to ankle level .
- Bring the left side of the yukata to the front and adjust the length and width.
- Open up the left side again and bring the right side to the front. The bottom corner of the right side should be shorter than the left side.
- Keep the right side folded over your chest and bring the left side on top of it. The bottom corner of the left side should be a little longer than the right side.
- Use a string, the koshi-himo, to tie the yukata tightly around the waist so you can avoid the yukata coming loose. Tuck the ends of the koshi-himo in so you can't see them.
- Stick both hands in the side pockets and pull the yukata around your chest and back over the koshi-himo. This layer of extra fabric around the waist, the ohashori, should be shown below the obi.
- Adjust the shape and the length of the ohashori and tie the second koshi-himo right below the chest and tuck the ends in.
- Tie the obi tightly in your favorite knot.
浴衣の前の合わせは右が上か左が上か・・・。日常的に着物を着つけないと迷ってしまいますが、とにかく覚えるべきは「右前」、つまり右を先に 肌に付けけるということ。これで、夏祭りから温泉旅館まで、浴衣の着こなしはバッチリです。
Migimae is the order of pulling the right side over first and then pulling the left side over . That way, you can easily reach into the open chest area with your right hand and use it as a pocket.
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