※本記事は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2022年9月号に掲載された内容を再編集したものです。
――You said kimono are still evolving. What are the kimono trends now?
One trend — it’s just a pattern — but one trend is that designs of cats are really popular. I don’t know why, but lots of kimonowearing ladies are also cat fans, and so you get lots of kimono with cat designs. (It) Used to be more like dogs or “shishi”, like lion kind of designs, but recently cats are popular. And there are lots of kimono using new textiles like CEOα, which is a kind of silky-like polyester, which brings the price down a lot from silk. Washable kimono are popular — so cottons, polyesters and that kind of thing. Digital print is a new kind of technique that is also changing the market — so kind of photographic images which you put on textiles that couldn’t be done by hand. Those are changing the market as well.
Weavers in the, for example, Tango area are always making new and interesting weaves, which can be used for woven kimono or obi. And there have been, like, innovations such as weaving in patterns influenced by animal skins or, like, snakeskin or something like that. Or cogs in a machine. I’ve seen those woven in gold thread, and it’s really cool looking. So, there is a lot of innovation going on in the kimono world. It’s very exciting.
And I really think the market is changing. I mean, a few years ago — when I first came to Japan, for example, 1985 — you only saw people going to weddings and people going to tea ceremony and ikebana. So, they were wearing it for a social function rather than because they liked kimono. But now those social functions are so few, but people are wearing it because they want to wear it. They’re wearing it because they like it. And also, another thing that’s interesting is that when I first started teaching, everybody wore suits for graduation ceremony, but now everyone wears kimono. So, there are ways that kimono is coming back. Definitely coming back.
――There’s a common conception that kimono are too uncomfortable to wear and too much trouble to put on correctly. What would you say to people who think that way?
Kimono dressing is a skill. And so, everybody has to be bad at it before they’re good at it. Just like you’re learning a sport or learning to sew or any other thing. When you start, you’re bad. And wearing it badly is OK. And no one has any right to tell you off for wearing it badly. If you walked up in the street to someone in Western dress and s— said, “Hey, you’re wearing that sweater so badly,” or, “I’ve never seen anyone look so awful in jeans,” that would be so rude! But for some reason, there are some older women in Japan who think it’s OK to criticise other people’s kimono dress. It’s not OK.
And everybody has to wear it badly first. So, even if you wear it badly, go ahead. Wear it. The only way to get better is to wear it a lot. And it’s OK. Not everyone is gonna be a super fashionista in kimono. Just like there are only a few people who are super fashionista in Western dress. So, just wear it, go ahead and do it.
And my other piece of advice is, for beginners, when you start, wear it on top of Western clothes, just no “nagajuban” underwear, just the kimono, one layer on top of jeans and a high-neck shirt or a shirt with a collar, or even a T-shirt. Because the first thing that you have to learn to do is tie the “koshihimo” that holds the kimono up.
When I was a kid, everybody tied their shoelaces. But in Japan now, all kids’ shoes have magic tape, so kids don’t learn to tie. And tying this tightly is the first key to wearing kimono. Because if you don’t tie this tie at the waist tightly, then the kimono will slide down. So first, just forget the nagajuban and practice tying on the kimono. And you put one more tie under the bust to hold the kimono collar flat where you want it. If you can tie those two ties, basically you can wear the kimono.
取材:知夏七未 写真:安宅雅美(編集部)
『ENGLISH JOURNAL BOOK 2』発売。テーマは「テクノロジー」
日本人インタビューにはメディアアーティストの落合陽一さんが登場し、デジタルの時代に生きる英語学習者にメッセージを届けます。伝説の作家カート・ヴォネガットのスピーチ(柴田元幸訳)、ノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞のカタリン・カリコ、そして、『GRIT グリット やり抜く力』のアンジェラ・ダックワースとインタビューも充実。どうぞお聴き逃しなく!