※本記事は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2022年9月号に掲載された内容を再編集したものです。
――You discovered kimono on your first trip to Japan, at the age of 24. Do you remember how it felt to see a kimono for the first time?
So, at that time, I was kind of interested in old pottery. And so, I was going to shrine flea markets where you can find lots of old dishes. And I always started out looking at dishes. And then I would just look, “What’s that over there hanging up on those hangers? They’re[It’s] so beautiful and colourful.” I didn’t even know it was called kimono. I didn’t know anything about what it was.
And I was just attracted to the huge range of bright colours. And the fabric was so soft and shiny. And there were beautiful patterns on so many of the garments — woven patterns and also dyed patterns. It looked like painting on cloth. And it was so, just beautiful, and soft to touch. And I was really attracted to the red in particular, because it was like the deepest red I’ve ever seen on cloth, dyed on cloth. (It) Was like a red red, ha-ha — I don’t know how to describe it in English — but just so incredibly red and deep. And I was really attracted to that.
And I bought one of the plain red ones, thinking it was a kimono. And I took it home and I told a friend, “Oh, I bought a kimono at a flea market the other day.” And they said, “Oh, show me.” I showed them. They’re like, “That’s not a kimono. That’s underwear!” And I’m like, “What? And it’s so incredibly beautiful. It’s so amazingly beautiful. How could that be underwear? How can you cover it up?” Ha-ha. And that was kind of, I don’t know, some kind of moment where I realised that this thing was just gonna be so fascinating.
And I started to — I was a bit of a trend hunter — I just started to trawl through bookshops and kimono shops. I couldn’t really speak much Japanese then. And I certainly couldn’t read, but I bought the magazines anyway, just to look at the pictures. And at that time, the staff in kimono stores were really doing a hard sell. And they would come up and explain so much to me even though I could understand almost nothing. But I learnt a lot, in the end, through those trips to the bookstores and kimono stores.
――Why do you think Japanese people today generally know very little about their own heritage in regard to kimono?
Well, I think people write history of clothing in Japan as like, “Kimono, kimono, kimono,” one line, and then suddenly it changes to Western dress. And it’s just one line. But I don’t think that’s true, I don’t think that’s what happened. I think it’s, “Kimono, kimono, kimono, kimono,” and another line starts in the Meiji period. But the kimono line doesn’t stop, and those two systems go on together.
But unlike (the) usual diffusion of fashion, the first wearers of Western dress are the people who are usually last in the diffusion of fashion. So, elderly men wear Western clothing, the government and then the administrative class and soldiers and the post office workers, and these people go into uniforms — which is a political stance to join Western nations. And women played with it for a little while in the Meiji period. But up, then up to the Second World War, most Japanese women were still wearing kimono. Western clothing was there, but the kimono line has not stopped.
But then, after the war, during the occupation, Western clothing is sold to Japanese people as being practical. And so, a generation grows up where schoolchildren have worn Western clothes, and their parents start to wear Western dress after the war. And a generation grows up in Western dress for the first time. Whereas prewar, people grew up in kimono. So, the natural line of (a) mother teaching their daughter to dress, just dressing them, and then them dressing themselves, is broken.
But the only vector that Western dress could win on was practicality. It couldn’t win on fashionability. Kimono still embodied fashion. And right through the ’30s and ’40s, there were lots of new fashionable kimono. And then in the ’50s as well, Nakahara Junichi the fashion illustrator, he did beautiful fashion illustrations of Western dress but still lovely fashion illustrations of kimono as well. And it was different from kimono before the war — it was influenced by Western dress, was more practical, less emphasis on the seasons in the designs on the kimono, big bold geometric patterns that you could wear at any time of the year, and shorter sleeves, white collars.
Kimono fashion was still evolving and changing and going on. But as everyday dress had lost out to Western dress, it became too special and separate from everyday life, and people began to think of it as only for ceremonies. So, it became kind of upper middle class, if you like.
取材:知夏七未 写真:安宅雅美(編集部)
『ENGLISH JOURNAL BOOK 2』発売。テーマは「テクノロジー」
日本人インタビューにはメディアアーティストの落合陽一さんが登場し、デジタルの時代に生きる英語学習者にメッセージを届けます。伝説の作家カート・ヴォネガットのスピーチ(柴田元幸訳)、ノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞のカタリン・カリコ、そして、『GRIT グリット やり抜く力』のアンジェラ・ダックワースとインタビューも充実。どうぞお聴き逃しなく!