


「JKポーズ」、つまり「女子高生ポーズ」は、2023年に流行したポーズの ランキング1位です。その名前から、女子高生が生み出したポーズだから「JKポーズ」と呼ばれていると思い込んでいる人も多いと思いますが、そう呼ばれる理由は実は違うところにあります。






The “JK pose”, or “女子高生 (female HS student) pose”, is number one on the 2023 hot pose list this year. You probably already assumed from the name that this is a pose developed by 女子高生. This is the case, but that’s actually not exactly why it is called the “JK pose”. Rather, while JK certainly do invent a lot of ポーズ, this one in specific gets the name “JK pose” because you actually produce a “JK”: to do the pose, make the “J” shape with your left hand, palm out and using the thumb and pointer finger, and then make the “peace” sign with your right hand, and place it palm-facing-you under your left hand to make a “K”.

Can’t visualize that? Here you go :

Surprisingly, the “JK pose” did not develop through a major influencer, but rather just appeared in a random song + music video some actual JK did to celebrate their graduation. The pose featured on the cover of the single…

This song and video are, and I mean this as an honest description not a critique, pretty amatuer. I’m sure hundreds of similar videos have been made and ended up lost in the YouTube/Spotify voids. But this one got some attention, and while it’s a bit surprising for a home-video style thing to get big it’s not hard to see why this one was a candidate for success. There’s clear charm to the video/song, and as a result people also got into the pose.

That said, despite the high rating of the pose on trend lists and the clear media attention, through looking at both Instagram and Twitter I don’t see a lot of people posting photos of themselves doing the JK pose. With all fads that involve younger people, there’s many possible reasons for this besides “the pose is not really all that popular”: users of the JK pose maybe don’t use boring old person apps, they keep their accounts private, etc., etc., etc. That said, I also need to note that “JK Pose” can also refer to, you know, any pose that a JK does or might do, and at least on Twitter searching for JKポーズ got me more images of poses that a JK might do but were not specifically the JKポーズ than images of the JKポーズ.

The real point, I suppose, is that JK do a lot of poses. Congrats to this specific one for getting the “JK Pose” name and making it to #1 in 2023, but we’ll see if anyone remembers it in 2024.






A ギャルピ is doing the “peace (ピース)” sign in an inverted manner where the palm is held out and the raised fingers aim forward and down. It was egg’s 2022 word of the year.

And while this next screenshot claims that ギャルピ is a dead word, I can at least attest that it’s still very alive on Twitter.

Indeed, while the gyarupi is associated with gyaru culture, there’s no requirement that you be a gyaru in order to do a gyarupi. There are even plenty of images out there of men doing gyarupi, or being described as doing gyarupi, like you can see below.




マッコーリー大学講師。言語学者。著書に”Scripting Japan: Orthography, Variation, and the Creation of Meaning in Written Japanese”。HP : https://wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com


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