
寒い冬がやって来た!空気が乾燥して日も短く、インフルエンザが流行したり雪が降ったりと大変な面もあるものの、クリスマスや年末年始の休暇など、楽しいイベント盛りだくさんの季節でもあります。アルクのカナダ人スタッフによる英語エッセイ「Small Talk」、今回は12月のイベントや冬に関連した英語フレーズを紹介します。
Thoughts on December(12月について思うこと)
Curtain Coming Down on 2023
Brrr ... I can’t believe it’s already December! I felt like we jumped from summer to winter this year.
Well, we are now in the 12th and last month of the modern-day Gregorian calendar. In the old Roman calendar, it was the 10th month, and its name comes from the Latin “decem,” meaning “ten.” That “dec” root is still found in words such as decade, decimal and decimate. Back in Roman times, the calendar only had 10 months, beginning in March. The winter period was not even organized into months back then because it was not an active time for military, agriculture or civil life.
Celebrations Galore

As winter’s chill envelops many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, a great number of fun holidays help to warm up the month. Perhaps the most widely known among these is Christmas, a day in which Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Christ. The name Christmas (Christ’s Mass) was first recorded in the year 1038, but its history goes back much further. In 336, the church in Rome observed the Feast of the Nativity on December 25. At the time, Christmas roughly coincided with the winter solstice – the shortest day of the year – as well as the Roman festival of Saturnalia, and it is thought that this special day emerged from these and other European festivals.
These days, Christmas incorporates the secular and religious traditions of many cultures, including the ancient Roman practice of decorating homes with evergreens to the Celtic Yule log. Interestingly, Japan itself has created a new tradition for the special day: eating fried chicken! (I’ve read several interesting, but contradictory, stories of how this came to be.)
Following Emperor Akihito’s abdication in 2019, many Westerners living here in Japan were disappointed to lose the December 23 holiday that had marked his birthday. Everyone used to have the day off, so it was a perfect time for Christmas parties.
Another prominent December event is Hanukkah, an eight-day Jewish celebration that includes a variety of religious and nonreligious customs. Also known as the Festival of Lights, it is observed by lighting the menorah, a multibranched candelabra, and enjoying traditional food and games.
Have you heard of Kwanzaa? It’s a celebration of African-American culture and heritage, observed mainly in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. It is a relatively new creation, first held in 1966, though it has its roots in traditions that go back generations. During Kwanzaa, held annually from December 26 to January 1, homes are decorated with straw mats, ears of corn and a special candleholder. The event is topped off with a feast on December 31, which is usually held at a community center and features traditional dancing and music.
Delightful December
Of course, this special month has numerous holidays and events that light up the darkest days of the year – at least in the Northern Hemisphere. I still remember how strange Christmas in Australia was for me. It is the hottest time of the year there, and celebrating the day with a barbecue on the beach just seemed so exotic. It was far removed from our family tradition of strolling around the neighborhood to admire all the illuminations on every house. I especially liked seeing all the colorful lights shining from beneath the snow blanketing people’s front yards. If there was enough freshly fallen snow, we would put on our cross-country skis and glide through the quiet streets.
In December, traditions take on a special significance, with both families and communities sharing customs that create a sense of community and warmth. Oh, that reminds me: Many people feel especially isolated and lonely at this time of year. If you know someone who might be feeling like that (and who hasn’t at times?), this month is an especially good time to reach out! Have a merry month, everyone!
Curtain Coming Down on 2023
語句 | 意味 |
brrr | (寒さを表して)ブルブルッ |
Gregorian calendar | グレゴリオ暦 |
Roman calendar | ローマ暦 |
root | (単語の)語根、語源 |
decimal | 十進法の、少数の |
decimate | (人・動物などを)多数殺す、~の10分の1を除く |
Celebrations Galore
語句 | 意味 |
(見出し)galore | たくさんの、豊富な |
the Northern Hemisphere | 北半球 |
Mass | ミサ(キリスト教) |
the Feast of the Nativity | キリスト降誕祭 |
coincide with ~ | ~と同時に起こる、~と一致する |
the winter solstice | 冬至 |
Saturnalia | 農神祭、サトゥルヌス祭 ※農耕の神を祝う祭り。クリスマスの起源とされる。 |
emerge | 現れる、浮かび上がる |
secular | 世俗の、世間的な |
Celtic | ケルト族[人・語]の |
Yule log | ユールログ ※クリスマス前夜祭に燃やす大きなまき。 |
contradictory | 相反する、矛盾する |
abdication | (王などの)退位 |
prominent | 目立った、著名な |
Hanukkah | ハヌカー ※ユダヤ教の清めの祭り。 |
menorah | メノラー ※ユダヤ教の典礼具の一つである多枝燭台。 |
candelabra | (装飾を施した大型の)枝付き燭台[照明] ※candelabrumの複数形。 |
Kwaanza | クワンザ ※アフリカ系アメリカ人の祭り。 |
heritage | 遺産、伝統 |
top off | 締めくくる |
Delightful December
語句 | 意味 |
numerous | 多数の、非常に多くの |
exotic | 異国風の、珍しい |
be far removed from ~ | ~から遠く離れた、~とはかけ離れた、 |
stroll | そぞろ歩く、散策する |
significance | 意味、重要性 |

winter wonderland(冬の絶景)
A phrase used to describe a scene or place that looks beautiful and enchanting during winter, often with snow-covered landscapes. “Last night’s snowfall has turned our neighborhood into a winter wonderland!”
cold as ice(氷のように冷たい・冷酷だ)
This phrase is not only used to describe extremely cold weather but also a person who seems emotionally distant. “My girlfriend suddenly went cold as ice on me, and now we barely even speak.”
Similar to the expression above, this one too can be used to someone cold and unfriendly as well as something covered with frost. “I received a frosty welcome from my boyfriend’s mother.”
上の表現(cold as ice)と同様に、これもまた、霜に覆われたものだけでなく、冷たくて不愛想な人に対しても使われます。例:「私は彼氏の母親に冷ややかに出迎えられた」←または「冷ややかな出迎えを受けた」
snowball’s chance in hell(ゼロに等しい見込み[望み、チャンス])
Can you picture this? It’s an idiom used to indicate that something has very little chance of happening.“I have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting that promotion.”
This word used to just refer to a single crystal of snow, but these days, it is often used to describe a person who is seen as overly sensitive or easily offended. “I was just joking. Don’t be such a snowflake!” The term was Collins English Dictionary’s word of the year in 2016.
以前は一片の雪の結晶を指す言葉でしたが、最近では、過度に繊細な人やすぐに傷つく人を表すためによく使われます。例:「冗談だって。そんなすぐに傷つかないでよ!」 この言葉は2016年に、コリンズ英語辞典のワード・オブ・ザ・イヤーに選ばれました。
bundle up(着込む)
Use this to advise someone to dress warmly by wearing layers of clothing to stay comfortable in cold weather. “You’d better bundle up today. It’s sooo cold outside.”
snowed in(大雪で閉じ込められる、家から出られなくなる)
This means to be unable to travel away from somewhere because of a heavy snowfall. “My husband and I were snowed in for three days last winter.”
snowed under(~に押しつぶされている)
Use this when you are feeling overwhelmed, similar to being physically covered by a heavy snowfall. “I was so snowed under with work today that I didn’t even stop for lunch.”
トップ画像:Josh Bean from Unsplash
本文画像:Element5 Digital、Vitolda Klein from Unsplash
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