



The animal zodiac system ( also known as the Chinese zodiac), Eto is a concept originated in ancient China. The system has been adopted by many Asian nations, including Japan, in order to determine calendars and fortunes. There may be many Japanese people who memorized the order of zoadics 12 animals while reciting “ne, ushi, tora ..." in their  childhood days!

Let's take a look at the English equivalents for these animals!


子 (ね)ne :Rat

丑 (うし)ushi :Ox 

寅 (とら)tora :Tiger

卯 (う)u :Rabbit / Hare

辰 (たつ)tatsu :Dragon

巳 (み)mi : Snake

午 (うま)uma :Horse

未 (ひつじ)hitsuji :Sheep

申 (さる)saru :Monkey

酉 (とり)tori : Rooster / Cock

戌 (いぬ)inu :Dog

亥 (い)i :Boar/ Pig

丑 は cow(乳牛)ではなく ox(雄牛)です。酉 は hen(雌鶏)ではなく rooster /cock(雄鶏)になります。亥 は日本では boar(イノシシ)ですが、中国では pig(ブタ)を指すんですよ。外国人に説明するときのために、両方覚えておいてもよいかもしれません。
Ushi is for ox, not cow. Tori is for rooster /cock, not hen. “ I " is for boar in Japan but for pig in China. It may be useful to remember both so that you can explain the difference to people from overseas.


それでは、あなたの干支にぴったりな「今月の英語学習アドバイス」をご紹介します。干支の動物たちからの占いアドバイス に従って 学習に取り組めば、英語力アップ間違いありませんよ!

Here, I'd like to give some monthly advice for English learning based on your animal zodiac. I'm convinced that you can improve your English a lot if you follow the fortune-telling advice from your zodiac animals!


Year of the Rat(ネズミ年)子(ね)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

You sometimes may think you are alone, but that is incorrect . Teachers and study -mates are everywhere if you study English.


You should always have a mentor to help you with your English language learning. You don’t have to actually meet your mentor. The authors of your favorite textbooks could be considered valuable mentors. You can experience their passion and love of the authors through many good textbooks for English learning. Take full advantage of your study materials!

Year of the Ox(ウシ年)丑(うし)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

Of course , it’s important to imagine your future. However , this month, you need to look back on your life to get some understanding.


You tend to point out things you can’t do, that’s human nature . But it’s important to find out things you can do in English! Why don't you try writing a diary in simple English. You may be surprised by the amount of things you can express using the English that you have already acquired.
人はみな、自分ができないことに注目しがちです。英語でできることを実際に見つけてみることが大切! シンプルな英語で、英語日記を書いてみませんか。身に付けた英語でどれだけ表現できるか分かると、驚くかもしれませんね!


Chat Diary 英語で3行日記

Year of the Tiger(トラ年)寅(とら)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

Every single task should be done carefully, step by step. That’s the secret!


Everyone finds “doing dictations” very time-consuming and tedious . However , they are an excellent way to test your skills. No pain, no gain !
ディクテーションは、誰にとっても 時間がかかる し、うんざりしてしまうもの。でも、とても 有効 なトレーニングなのです。苦労せずに、手に入るものはなし!

Year of the Rabbit(ウサギ年)卯(う)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

No matter what happens, everything will be OK. Be happy!


You may fall into a panic when you forget difficult words in your text’s word list or when you can no longer remember phrases you tried to memorize , but such things will happen to everyone. The words and phrases you've studied may certainly come back when you need them!

Year of the Dragon(タツ年)辰(たつ)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

Time is money, therefore you need to plan carefully.


Efficiency is the key to your success. You need to use your time effectively to make the most of your studies. One small tip is to read aloud some English sentences for at least five minutes a day.

Year of the Snake(ヘビ年)巳(み)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

You are riding an upward wave now! That’s why it is necessary to be quite certain about what you do.
今が上昇の波に乗っているときです! だからこそ、自分のやっていることについてしっかり確認していきましょう。


During this month, you may be able to complete tasks that seemed to be tiresome for you in the past. Memorizing difficult words or clarifying complicated grammar structures are two things recommended for you.


Year of the Horse(ウマ年)午(うま)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

There are many things that you can enjoy in this world. If you change your perspective a little, you may be able to enjoy everything!


Don’t look for disadvantages, look for advantages. Try to do things you can enjoy while you study . If you don’t like grammar, you don’t have to pay a lot of attention to it this month. If you like listening or speaking, concentrate on those two skills.
不利になることを探すのはやめましょう、有利になることを探して。学習しながら楽しめることに 取り組み ましょう。文法が嫌いなら今月はあまりこだわらずに。もしリスニングやスピーキングがお好きならその2つに集中して。

Year of the Sheep(ヒツジ年)未(ひつじ)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

You may think you are alone in the middle of a huge ocean. However , someday you will reach the shore for sure .


If you have not set up your definite goals yet ? for example , upgrading your TOEIC score or enjoying movies without subtitles ? please do so as soon as possible . You need to visualize where you want to go.

Year of the Monkey(サル年)申(さる)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

Your results are important, but they are not everything.


Don’t worry about your poor TOEIC score. You can always learn by analyzing the reasons why you got that score. Your score will certainly improve as long as you continue to study .
TOEICのスコアが悪くても気にすることはありません。なぜそうなったか 原因分析 することで、学びがあります。学習を続けることで、必ずスコアはアップします。

Rooster (トリ年)酉(とり)">Year of the Rooster (トリ年)酉(とり)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

People often pick your brain to solve problems, because you are extremely careful.


Some people may want to try very difficult study materials despite their poor language levels. In order to improve your English, the very first step is to choose an appropriate level of textbooks for you.

Year of the Dog(イヌ年)戌(いぬ)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

Don’t panic, calm down. There is always a solution to a problem.


There may be many obstacles to your studies this month. Therefore , simple tasks like reading aloud passages or checking vocabulary are recommended for you. Don’t try anything too complicated.


音読して楽しむ名作英文 (アルク・ライブラリー)

Year of the Boar(イノシシ年)亥(い)

月の流れ:The trend for this month

You can always start again, but don’t waste all the efforts you've made up to now!


There may be reasons why you wanted to commit yourself to English study . We guess your reasons must be connected to something valuable for you. Please try to remember those reasons when you feel tired of memorizing words or reading sentences aloud! Come on ! You can do it.
英語学習にコミットしようと思ったのには理由があるはずです。その理由は、あなたにとっての大切な何かと結び付いているのでは? 単語の暗記や音読に疲れたときは、それらを思い出してください。大丈夫、続けられますよ!


12月の英語学習運はいかがでしたか? 干支の動物は、皆さんが楽しく英語学習に取り組んでいただけますようお祈りしております。来年もお会いいたしましょう! ありがとうございました。

How was your English study fortune for December? Zodiac animals hope you will really enjoy your English studies. We are looking forward to seeing you again next year! Thank you very much. Wishing you all the best!


構成・編集:Natsue Tanaka(GOTCHA!エディター/ライター)


語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発

  • スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
  • 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
  • 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!


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