New research suggests the age of the moon
Anchor: A group of scientists analyzed microscopic Zircon crystals in lunar dust collected in 1972 by Apollo 17 astronauts and recalculated the age of the moon. Previous age estimates suggested that the moon was 4.425 billion years old, but this new research puts the moon’s age at 4.46 billion years old, which is 40 million years older than what had been thought.
Researchers used the atom probe tomography facility at Northwestern University near Chicago to conduct an atom-by-atom analyzation of the crystals. According to the popular Great Impact theory, Earth had a serious collision with a Mars-sized planet known as “Theia” some 4.5 billion years ago. The debris left from the collision formed a circumplanetary disk of material, which through accretion later formed our moon.
ⒸVOA News, October 23, 2023
語句 | 意味 |
microscopic | 微細な |
Zircon | ジルコン ※鉱物の一種。ジルコニウムの珪酸(けいさん)化合物。 |
atom probe | 原子プローブ ※probeは「探査、調査」の意。 |
tomography | 断層撮影法 |
Great Impact theory | 巨大衝突説 ※月の誕生に関する学説の一つ。 |
collision | 衝突、激突 |
debris | 破片 |
circumplanetary | 惑星周辺を取り巻く、惑星周辺の |
accretion | 降着(※天文用語) |