リズ・トラス氏がイギリス新首相に どのように選出された?【ニュース音声付き】


本連載では世界で注目されたさまざまなニュースをキーワードからひもときます。今回は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2022年10月号に掲載した、ボリス・ジョンソン辞職後の新首相の選出方法について紹介します。




Boris Johnson has resigned ボリス・ジョンソンが辞任


several rounds of voting 複数回の投票


snap election 解散総選挙



Now UK’s Boris Johnson has quit, who could replace him?

Boris Johnson: Good afternoon, everybody?

Reporter: Boris Johnson has resigned, (1)triggering the search for a new British prime minister. But how will a new (2)premier be chosen?
(3)Candidates who wish to (4)make a bid for the leadership ? of which there could be many ? must be (5)nominated by at least two other (6)Conservative lawmakers. Those lawmakers then hold several rounds of voting in a (7)secret ballot to (8)whittle down (9)the field. Each time, the person with the fewest votes is (10)eliminated. This process is then repeated until there are just two candidates remaining.

The final two are then put to a (11)postal ballot of the wider (12)Conservative Party membership, and the winner will be (13)named the new leader ? and the (14)de facto prime minister. Although he or she does not have to (15)call a snap election, they do have the power to do so. So how long could all this take?

The (16)duration of a (17)leadership contest can vary and depends on how many people (18)put themselves forward. Johnson himself faced former Health Minister (19)Jeremy Hunt in the (20)runoff ballot of Conservative members to replace (21)outgoing (22)Theresa May in 2019 ? and (23)took office two months after she announced her intention to resign.

Theresa May: . . . to ask Boris Johnson to form a new (24)administration.

Reporter: (25)This time around, the process could be (26)accelerated before (27)Parliament takes its sixweek (28)summer recess from July 21. Votes have previously been held every Tuesday and Thursday. It’s too early to (29)predict who will replace Johnson, but there are some lawmakers likely to (30)take a shot at the top job. Foreign Minister (31)Liz Truss, a (32)favourite of the (33)ruling Conservative Party’s (34)grass roots, has regularly (35)topped (36)polls of party members (37)carried out by website (38)Conservative Home in the past. Former Finance Minister (39)Rishi Sunak, one of the first to resign from Johnson’s government this week, is also likely to run. As could his newly appointed replacement, (40)Nadhim Zahawi, who was in the job just hours before (41)calling on his (42)boss to resign.

(©Reuters, July 8, 2022)


(1)trigger ~を引き起こす (2)premier 首相 (3)candidate 候補者 (4)make a bid for ~ ~に立候補する (5)nominate ~を推薦する (6)Conservative lawmaker 保守党議員 (7)secret ballot 無記名投票 (8)whittle down ~ ~を少しずつ減らす (9)the field 候補者(たちが競う場) (10)eliminate ~を除外する (11)postal ballot 郵便投票 (12)Conservative Party 保守党 (13)name ~を任命する (14)de facto 事実上の (15)call an election 選挙を求める (16)duration 期間 (17)leadership contest 党首選 (18)put oneself forward 立候補する (19)Jeremy Hunt ジェレミー・ハント ★(1966- )。 (20)runoff ballot 決選投票 (21)outgoing 退任する (22)Theresa May テリーザ・メイ ★(1956- )。前イギリス首相(在任2016-19)。 (23)take office 就任する、政権を握る (24)administration 政権 (25)this time around 今回は (26)accelerate ~を早める (27)Parliament 国会、議会 (28)summer recess 夏季休暇 (29)predict ~を予測する (30)take a shot at ~ ~に挑戦する (31)Liz Truss リズ・トラス ★(1975- )。 (32)favourite 人気株、本命 ★イギリス式つづり。アメリカ式はfavorite。 (33)ruling 与党である (34)grass roots 一般大衆、草の根 ★ここでは「(リーダーや意思決定者ではない)組織の一員」の意。 (35)top ~の首位を占める (36)poll 投票、世論調査 (37)carry out ~ ~を行う (38)Conservative Home ★保守党支持の独立系ブログサイト。 (39)Rishi Sunak リシ・スナク ★(1980- )。 (40)Nadhim Zahawi ナディム・ザハウィ ★(1967- )。 (41)call on A to do Aに~するよう要求する (42)boss ★ここではジョンソン首相を指す。


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