※本記事は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2022年7月号に掲載した記事を再編集したものです。
unfriendly states
a powerful bargaining point
bargainingは「交渉」を意味します。bargaining point を「交換条件」としている辞書が多いですが、この文脈では「交渉材料」と解釈した方がよさそうです。ヨーロッパはロシアの天然ガスに大きく依存しており、ドイツは昨年9月に、ロシアとドイツをつなぐ全長1200キロの天然ガス海底パイプライン「ノルドストリーム2」を敷設したばかりでした。こうした背景もあり、ロシアは天然ガスを交渉カードにしているのです。
special military operation
今回のロシアによるウクライナ侵攻は、英語ではWar in Ukraine(ウクライナ戦争)などと表現されています。しかし、ロシアのロスコムナゾル(連邦通信・情報技術・マスコミ分野監督庁)は国内メディアに対し、「戦争」や「侵攻」という表現は一切使わないよう命じています。
Rouble payments for gas from Friday, says Putin
Reporter: If foreign buyers want Russian gas, they will have to pay in (1)roubles from Friday (April 1). That was the message from President (2)Vladimir Putin on Thursday, who signed a (3)decree on the matter.
Vladimir Putin (voice-over): I’ve signed a decree today that sets the rules of the Russian (4)natural gas trade with (5)so-called unfriendly states. We are offering our (6)contracting parties from such countries a clear and (7)transparent agreement: To buy Russian gas they should open ruble accounts in Russian banks and pay for gas from these accounts, delivered starting from tomorrow, April 1 of this year.
Reporter: Western companies and governments have rejected the move as a (8)breach of (9)existing contracts, which are set in euros or dollars. German (10)Chancellor (11)Olaf Scholz was (12)blunt.
Olaf Scholz (voice-over): We have looked at the contracts for the gas supplies and the other supplies, and in these it says that the payment will be in euros, sometimes in dollars, but usually in euros.
Reporter: Russia supplies about (13)a third of Europe’s gas. Energy is therefore a powerful bargaining point for Putin as he tries to (14)hit back against Western (15)sanctions over (16)Ukraine.
Putin (voice-over): If these payments are not being (17)accomplished, we would consider it as buyers’ (18)failure to meet their (19)commitments with all the (20)relevant (21)consequences. Nobody sells anything to us (22)for free. Neither are we going to do charity work. That means the current contracts would be (23)brought to a halt.
Reporter: His decision to (24)enforce rouble payments has (25)boosted the Russian (26)currency after it fell to (27)historic lows following the (28)invasion of Ukraine, which Russia calls a “special military operation.” (cReuters, April 1, 2022)
(1)rouble ルーブル ★ロシアの通貨。イギリス式つづり。アメリカ式ではruble。 (2)Vladimir Putin ウラジーミル・プーチン ★(1952- )。ロシア連邦大統領(在任2000-08、2012- )。 (3)decree 命令 (4)natural gas 天然ガス (5)so-called いわゆる (6)contracting party 契約当事者、契約当事国 (7)transparent 透明性のある (8)breach of contract 契約違反 (9)existing 既存の (10)chancellor (ドイツなどの)首相 (11)Olaf Scholz オラフ・ショルツ ★(1958- )。ドイツ首相(在任2021- )。 (12)blunt 単刀直入に (13)a third of ~ ~の3分の1 (14)hit back against ~ ~に対抗する、~に反撃する (15)sanction 制裁措置 (16)Ukraine ウクライナ ★ロシアの西側に位置する共和制国家。首都はキーウ。 (17)accomplish ~を果たす (18)failure 不履行 (19)commitment (契約上の)義務 (20)relevant 関連する、あらゆる (21)consequence (必然的な)結果 (22)for free 無料で (23)bring ~ to a halt ~を停止させる (24)enforce ~を強制する (25)boost ~を引き上げる (26)currency 通貨 (27)historic 歴史的な (28)invasion 侵攻