Education in the Time of COVID-19 ケイ・ヘザリが語るアメリカ教育業界の今

新型コロナウイルスは日本だけでなく世界のさまざまな分野・業種にも大きな 影響 を与えています。アメリカの教育業界への 影響今後の 展開 について、大学講師や翻訳家として活躍しているケイ・ヘザリさんにお話を伺いました。

Different Month of May ">A Different Month of May

In the United States, May is the month for graduation ceremonies. This year, we saw a very different month of May . What we saw represents both the strength and (1)vulnerability of Americans during this (2)pandemic (3)crisis.

When the virus hit hard in March, universities across the country moved (4)abruptly to online classes while elementary and (5)secondary schools also closed their doors. By the time May graduation (6)rolled around , kids and their parents had already been under (7)stay-at-home orders for a couple of long months. While some college campuses, like mine, postponed graduation until late summer, others quickly (8) put together (9) virtual ceremonies. Our local high school celebrated with a parade of kids, separated in cars with their families. Folks look forward to and cherish graduation , so the pandemic hit college and high school (10)seniors and their families especially hard.


3月にこのウイルスが猛威を振るったとき、アメリカ中の大学は急遽オンライン授業に移行し、小学校と中等学校も閉鎖されました。5月の卒業が近づく頃には、子どもも親もすでに数カ月の長い間、外出禁止令下で過ごしていました。私たちの大学のように夏の終り頃まで卒業を延期した大学もあれば、急いでバーチャルの式を企画した大学もあります。地元の高校では、子どもたちをそれぞれの家族の車に分乗させたパレードで祝いました。人々は卒業を待ち望み、大切にしているので、大学、高校の最終学年の生徒や家族には特に、パンデミックによる打撃は 厳しい ものとなりました。


(1)vulnerability 脆弱さ (2)pandemic パンデミック ★感染症が世界的規模で流行すること。 (3)crisis 危機 (4)abruptly 急に、突然 (5)secondary school 中等学校 ★通常は、アメリカの高校(9~12学年)のことだが、中学が含まれる(7~12学年)こともある。 (6)roll around  (月日、季節が)巡って来る、近づく (7)stay-at-home order  外出禁止令  (8) put together ~ ~を企画する (9) virtual  仮想の、バーチャルの ★ここでは実際に会うことなく、オンラインで行うこと。 (10)senior (大学、高校などの)最終学年

through the Pandemic">Dancing through the Pandemic

I was impressed by the creative ways the local high school, and I’m sure many other schools, still celebrated the (11)momentous occasion of graduation . I also saw countless examples of professors using social media and online platforms to encourage and celebrate their students, through online classes and graduation . Some posted silly dance videos to make their students laugh while others posted photos of an empty campus, letting students know how much they missed them. Rules about attendance , grades, fees and (12)standardized tests were relaxed for college and secondary schools because everyone understood the mental health of the students, (13) isolated from their (14)peers and teachers, was (15)fragile.


(11)momentous 極めて重要な (12)standardized test  共通テスト ★アメリカで大学の入学選考のために 実施 される全国共通のテストのこと。 (13) isolate A from B AをBから隔離する (14) peer  同級生、仲間 (15)fragile 脆弱な、不安定な

to -Face!">We are Face- to -Face!

One thing became clear . Online education (16)is not what our institutions are about. A lot of students from our campus posted angry comments on social media about having to pay the same tuition for online classes and about graduation being postponed. Many said they would not come back to school in the summer or fall unless classes on campus resumed. University officials listened. Declaring that, in our (17) core values, we are a face- to -face institution, they made the decision to reopen campus for the second round of summer classes, starting in early July. There has been a lot of talk here and across the country about the importance of the relationships and experiences students can only have by being on campus, and I agree . But economics is a big consideration , too. Tuition on many college campuses pays staff and faculty salaries, and a drop in (18)enrollment can force layoffs or even close down a school.

So , while most schools will wait until fall 2020 or later to reopen , ours will reopen in July. Yes, masks and other restrictions will be required . But (19)coronavirus cases are (20)skyrocketing in this area right now, and that’s scary . No one knows what the future holds.




(16)be what ~ be about ~はそのためにある (17) core value  本質的価値、基本的価値観 (18)enrollment 在籍者数 (19) coronavirus case  コロナウイルス感染症 ★ここでは複数形で、新型コロナウイルスの感染者数のこと。 (20) skyrocket 急増する

Kay Hetherly(ケイ・ヘザリ)

アメリカ、テキサス州在住。かつて日本に通算17 年滞在し、大学講師や翻訳家などとして活躍。著書に『Hamburgers』『American Pie』(共にNHK 出版)、『ケイ・ヘザリのTea Time Talk』(アルク)など。さまざまなテーマを通して日米文化の比較をつづるエッセー「Tea Time Talk」が『ENGLISH JOURNAL』で連載中。



2025 04
韓国語の先生になろう ~ 準備からスキルアップのコツまで

