
5月号の英作文テーマ *1 は「風邪、ウイルス」。新型コロナウイルスの流行により、このテーマについて深く考えるようになった人も多いと思います。『ENGLISH JOURNAL 』5月号の"Lecture"に掲載された、医師のフー・ユィーングさんによる講義を参考に英作文をしてみませんか?



①あなたが風邪のときに取る昔からの対処法はありますか?それはどんなものですか?Is there some traditional way that you deal with a cold? What is it?

Is traditional medicine better than modern medicine? Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

③新型コロナウイルスによって考えられる経済的 影響 はなんですか?あなたの意見を裏付けるため、その理由と例も挙げてください。
What will be the economic effects of the coronavirus? Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.

How do you keep yourself safe from coronavirus? Use specific examples and reasons to support your answer.



common cold 風邪cold prevention  風邪対策Vaccination ワクチン接種・予防接種 flu インフルエンザ treat 治療する infection  感染症・伝染病confirmed case 感染者数 virus ウイルスbe exposed to ~ ~にさらされるincubation period 潜伏期間immune system 免疫システムhealth care 医療antibiotic 抗生物質 practice 習慣・慣習 symptom 症状 transmit (病気・ウイルスなどを)うつす、伝染させるimmune system 免疫力droplet  飛沫 quarantine  隔離するbe in self- isolation at home 自宅待機する test positive /negative ( for ?) 検査で(?の)陽性/陰性反応が出るgo around (病気が)流行る



④ How do you keep yourself safe from new virus ? Use specific examples and reasons to support your answer.

     We cannot change the factors that are not in our hands but we can make changes that are in our controle. There are three changes that may help us not contract any virus .     Firstly the most common way of getting infected is by touching things in public. So we should wash our hands frequently. The virus can easily infect you if you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your fingers. You should avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed/unclean hands and wash your hands often, especially before eating; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and going to the bathroom.      Aside from washing our hands frequently, we should avoid being present in crowded places as much as possible . When someone coughs or sneezes, they spray droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus . If we are too close , we might breathe in the droplets. Staying home might be the only way to avoid it.     What is more, it is very important to keep our immune system strong by eating properly , getting enough rest , and doing regular exercise. Sadly, there might be no vaccine available to protect people against new virus . Staying healthy is providing your immune system with everything it needs to function properly .     Better safe than sorry. We can just understand what new virus is and how to prevent the spread of new virus . This time every person needs to take their own responsibility by following these suggestions to stop the spreading.


今月のテーマに関連するENGLISH JOURNAL ONLINEの記事&英文記事の一覧です。英作文を書くための背景知識や、表現、フレーズなどを学ぶサブテキストとしてご利用ください。

ej.alc.co.jp ej.alc.co.jp ej.alc.co.jp ej.alc.co.jp ej.alc.co.jp ej.alc.co.jp
allabout-japan.com www.bbc.com www.nature.com www.bbc.com www.nytimes.com
*1 :2021年8月にサービスを終了しました。


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