本命チョコ、義理チョコ、友チョコ・・・最近は自分のために買う「マイチョコ」や家族用の「ファミチョコ」なんて言葉も。2月14日、あなたは誰かにチョコを渡しますか?英語エッセイ「Small Talk」、今回のテーマは「バレンタインデー」です。甘~い&熱~いフレーズもたくさんご紹介します!
Thoughts on Valentine’s Day(バレンタインデーについて思うこと)
Commercialized Sentimentality?

I hate Valentine’s Day. Strong words, I know, but I don’t think I am the only one who feels that way. The holiday comes with high expectations as well as social pressures to express love and affection in a certain way. It just adds more stress. For me, words of affection should be spontaneous. You say them when you really feel them – not just because a day in the calendar tells you to. True romance is something like snuggling in a shelter in Hibiya Park while waiting out a sudden rainstorm. It’s that feeling you get when your spouse supports you or unexpectedly expresses appreciation for you. You just can’t force romance!
And the day has now become so overly commercialized, making it feel materialistic rather than a day of love and affection. It sure can be hard on your wallet as well as your heart. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans spent a total of $25.9 billion on Valentine’s Day gifts, cards and flowers in 2023. In Japan, it is estimated that over $500 million is spent on Valentine’s chocolate every year. Of course, things here are done a little differently. While in most countries, it is common that both parties in a relationship celebrate together and give each other little gifts, Valentine’s Day in Japan is mainly about women giving chocolates and candy to men, including work colleagues.
A Cloudy History
So, where did it all start? The true origin of Valentine’s Day has probably been lost in time. Some believe it originated from the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a wild fertility celebration held in mid-February to mark the coming of spring. This festival included some crazy fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery!
The day itself is named after St. Valentine, but there have been several saints with that name. The most commonly associated legend involves a priest named Valentine who defied Emperor Claudius II’s ban on marriages for young men. The emperor believed that unmarried men made better soldiers because they had nothing to lose. However, Valentine defied this decree and continued to perform marriages for young couples in secret. When his actions were discovered, he was sent to jail. While there, he befriended the jailer and his blind daughter. Prior to his execution on February 14, A.D. 269, he is said to have written a note to the girl and signed it "your Valentine."
At the end of the fifth century, the Roman pope at the time honored the saint by officially declaring February 14 to be St. Valentine's Day. It wasn't until the Middle Ages, though, that the holiday became associated with love and romance. The English poet Geoffrey Chaucer gets credit for that. His 700-line poem “Parliament of Fowls,” written in 1382, is the first surviving record of a connection between the saint’s day and romantic love. The poem is about birds choosing their mates and includes the lines:
For this was on St. Valentine’s Day / When every bird cometh there to choose his mate.
Little did Chaucer know that he had written words that would start off what is now a billion dollar industry!
Candy Is Dandy

In many countries, candy is the most popular gift to give – especially chocolate. That connection between Valentine’s Day and chocolate is relatively recent. In 1861, British chocolate maker Richard Cadbury began packaging chocolates in fancy boxes to increase sales. The idea of the heart-shaped box took off, and then American chocolate manufacturers later joined in.
The concept of Valentine’s Day appears to have been imported to Japan from Europe in the 1950s by a Japanese chocolate company, and stores began using the day to stimulate the economy. It seems the idea of women giving chocolates to men was the result of a translation error by an executive at that chocolate company. He thought that the giving was all supposed to be one way. At the time, the holiday was promoted as a way for women to express their individuality.
Interestingly, although celebrated and recognized in many countries, Valentine’s Day is not an official holiday anywhere in the world! But I guess it’s a special day that is here to stay. Oh, well, I do love chocolate so I really should be more fond of it. Wait ... I am in the wrong country ...
Commercialized Sentimentality?
語句 | 意味 |
(見出し) commercialize | ~を商業化[営利化]する、金もうけの手段とする |
(見出し) sentimentality | 感傷、涙もろさ |
spontaneous | (行為などが)自発的な、自然な |
snuggle | 寄り添う、すり寄る |
spouse | 配偶者 |
materialistic | 実利主義の、唯物論の |
retail | 小売り(の) |
in a relationship | 交際して、恋愛関係で |
A Cloudy History
語句 | 意味 |
Lupercalia | ルペルカリア祭 ※豊年と繁栄を祈る古代ローマの祭典。 |
fertility | (土地が)肥沃[多産]であること |
rite | (特に宗教上の)儀式、典礼 |
priest | 聖職者、司祭 |
defy | ~に反抗する、~を拒む |
ban | 禁止(令) |
decree | 法令、布告 |
befriend | ~の共になる、世話をする |
execution | 執行、実施 |
pope | ローマ教皇 |
Geoffrey Chaucer | ジョフリー・チョーサー ※イギリスの詩人、外交官。 代表作に「カンタベリー物語がある。 |
get credit for ~ | ~の功績を認められる |
Parliament of Fowls | 『百鳥の議会』 ※チョーサーの詩集。fowlは「家禽、鳥類」の意。 |
Candy Is Dandy
語句 | 意味 |
(見出し) candy | キャンディー、砂糖菓子、甘いお菓子 ※アメリカではチョコレートもキャンディーと呼ぶ。 日本でいう「あめ」に限らない。 |
(見出し) dandy | おしゃれな、素晴らしい |
fancy | 手の込んだ、派手な |
stimulate | ~を刺激する、~を活発にする |
fond of ~ | ~が好き |
Valentine's Day Related Expressions(バレンタインデーにまつわる表現)

wear one‘s heart on one‘s sleeve(心の内を率直に話す[打ち明ける])
This means to openly and freely show one’s emotions or feelings, especially romantic ones. “Taro has no luck with women. I think it’s because he always wears his heart on his sleeve.”
This is used to describe a couple who are deeply in love and affectionate toward each other. “I always feel uncomfortable around Andy and Tomoko – they are always such lovebirds!”
Similar to the expression above, it describes affectionate and sentimental behavior between a couple. It is usually used in a lighthearted manner. “You guys are just so lovey-dovey!”
This means hugs and kisses, and it is a common way to sign off on a card or message.
This refers to a person who is considered highly attractive and causes romantic feelings. “That lead vocalist in the Korean boy band is such a heartthrob!”
puppy love(幼い恋、ままごとの恋愛)
This is an affectionate, innocent type of love, often associated with young people. “When I was 13, I had such a crush on my teacher, but now I know it was just puppy love.”
heart to heart(腹を割って、隠し立てなく)
This refers to a sincere and honest conversation between two people, often about their feelings. “My fiancé and I sat down and had a heart to heart.”
画像素材:from canva
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