8月になっても世界中で新型コロナウイルスの感染 拡大 は続き、感染者数・死亡者数ともに増加の一途をたどっています。特に大打撃を受けているといわれるエンターテインメント・芸術の分野では、 今後 どうやって危機を乗り越えていくのでしょうか。モーリー・ロバートソンさん(タレント)にお話しいただきます。
Living in Limbo
(1)abate 減少する (2)be in limbo 中ぶらりんになっている (3)gig 演奏会、コンサート (4) production 上演、公演 (5) infection 感染 (6)irresponsibly 無責任に (7) scorn 軽蔑
Challenging Times"> Challenging Times
So now theaters will not go through a (8)blanket ban. I don’t think theaters and movie theaters will be shut down. But everything is going to be limited. And a lot of larger productions, with a lot of money involved, are either canceled or postponed, (9)at worst, the thing starts, somebody gets sick, and then the shows are canceled for about two weeks at a time . Whoever tries to do this is going to lose a lot of money. So , the logical next step would be to perform everything online, and many artists are experimenting, trying to do something over (10)Zoom or Instagram Live. The new frontier is opening up but there are as many challenges as there are opportunities, and the rewards are just not clear at this point in time .
(8)blanket ban 全面禁止 (9)at worst 最悪の場合 (10)Zoom ズーム ★アメリカのZoomビデオコミュニケーションズが提供するWeb会議サービス。新型コロナウイルスの感染 拡大 によるテレワーク普及により、ユーザー数が大幅に増えている。
All Things Aren’t Fair
First of all, most musicians are not engineers. I happen to be a kind of independent -minded musician who’s studied a lot of sound recording. So once they (11)wander into the (12) swamp , that’s where they begin. And you have a great studio with an engineer. You’ve got a big record company. Everything is perfect. It’s just like recording. All you got to do is go online. So , there are technical challenges.
Another thing: (13)platform (14)inequality. I think this is going to become an issue as more and more people take to online broadcasts. Platform inequality means that (15)Spotify or iTunes or Amazon, they will favor big business artists, and (16) independent artists really just only (17)get bread crumbs.
(11)wander into ~ ~に入り込む、~に迷い込む (12) swamp 沼地 (13)platform 機会、立場 (14)inequality 不平等、格差 (15)Spotify スポティファイ ★スウェーデンのスポティファイ・テクノロジーによる音楽ストリーミングサービス。 (16) independent artist インディペンデント・アーティスト ★大きなレーベルと 契約 せずに個人で独立した活動を行うアーティスト。 (17)get bread crumbs おこぼれをもらう ★bread crumbsは「パン粉、パンくず」の意味で、ここでは比喩的に使われている。
New Opportunities
However , if you’re an artist, this is what (18)my partner, my wife does. She’s an actress, and she’s been online learning how to create a yukata. She’s learning how to actually (19)sew it together via a classroom given on Zoom. She’s really enjoying it. So , acquiring new skills online is a great option . And also for musicians, pop and jazz (20)greats, like (21)Quincy Jones, (22)Herbie Hancock, they’re offering master classes. So , these are rare (23)nuggets, which would help inspire a young generation of artists as well as professionals who want to polish up on their skills.
(18)my partner ★モーリーさんのパートナーは、女優の池田有希子さん。 (19)sew ~ together ~を縫合する (20)great 偉人、巨匠 (21)Quincy Jones クインシー・ジョーンズ ★(1933- )。アメリカのジャズミュージシャン、音楽プロデューサー。自身の楽曲だけでなくマイケル・ジャクソンのプロデュースなども含め、これまでに数多くのグラミー賞を受賞している。 (22)Herbie Hancock ハービー・ハンコック ★(1940- )。アメリカのジャズピアニスト、作曲家。ジャズにファンクやヒップホップを取り入れた独自の音楽を 展開 している。 (23)nugget 貴重なもの
Changing Values
In conclusion , the virus is affecting every part of our lives and perhaps at deeper levels which means the way we see things will change . What this means is that, for about a century or so , we’ve been living in this kind of (24) capitalist , (25)consumerist, lifestyle with a lot of hope for future economic growth, (26)GDP. And that’s going to be changing. Owning things, consuming things that others own or consume because we’ve seen it in advertisement, that “Me, too! I want that, too! Me, me!” --that’s just (27)not going to cut it anymore as a sort of model for happiness.
Artists are ready to change , the people are ready to change , can the industry change ? Can the industries that we all depend on , can it (28) keep up with such an (29)all-encompassing (30)paradigm shift ? Now, that’ll be the question I leave you with .
(24) capitalist 資本主義者 (25)consumerist 消費者主義者 ★消費者主義とは、消費者の権利や利益のために行う活動・ 主張 のこと。 (26)GDP ★=gross domestic product (国内総生産)。 (27)not cut it anymore もう役に立たない、もううまくいかない (28) keep up with ~ ~に遅れずについていく (29)all-encompassing あらゆるものを含む (30)paradigm shift パラダイム・シフト ★多くの人が当たり前と思っているものの考え方などが大きく変わること。

Morley Robertson(モーリー・ロバートソン)