新型コロナウイルスは日本だけでなく世界のさまざまな分野・業種にも大きな 影響 を与えています。エンターテインメント・芸術への 影響 や 今後の 展開 について、タレント、コメンテーターとして幅広く活躍しているモーリー・ロバートソンさんにお話を伺いました。
Moving Online
(1)pandemic パンデミック ★感染症が世界的規模で流行すること。 (2) municipal 地方自治体の (3)be pessimistic about ~ ~に悲観的である (4)vaccine ワクチン (5)strum ~(楽器など)をかき鳴らす (6)hereon この時点で、ここで
Patron ">Enter the Patron
Maybe people will go offline as well . They might start reading books. And maybe some people will start going to used bookstores and start (7)digging things up. A combination of that and online technology might offer a new way -- instead of people going in a more (8)frenetic, always excited direction maybe we can just sort of tone it down, and we’ll have a new kind of evolved organic form of the arts. One positive development that I’m seeing is that people are starting to direct money at the arts they support . An example of this is a system called (9)Patreon. I happen to have studied analog (10)modular synthesis in college, and I still have my own modular synthesizer system. And there are (11)wizards in this field . There’s a particular wizard whom I support on Patreon with about $100 every month, and in return I get a (12)thank-you note , sometimes even a personalized message. That’s a contrast with the past when people bought things like CDs or went to a concert and their contribution was indirect. The moment the money left your hands or your account it would disappear into the money cloud. But now, with a (13)patronage system or a crowd- funding system, you make a conscious decision to support a certain art form or a cause , and so therefore , your purchase , your (14) transaction becomes mindful. And I really think that’s a good direction .
(7)dig ~ up ~を掘り出す (8)frenetic 熱狂した (9)Patreon パトレオン ★Youtuber、ミュージシャン、マンガ家などを支援する、アメリカのクラウドファンディングプラットフォーム。 (10)modular synthesis モジュール合成 ★ここでは「モジュール」と呼ばれる装置を組み合わせて音を生成・ 加工 すること。後出のmodular synthesizer(モジュラー・シンセサイザー) はそれらの装置を組み合わせて作成した電子楽器を指す。 (11)wizard 達人、専門家 (12)thank-you note お礼の手紙 (13)patronage 支援 (14) transaction 取引
Mindful Patronage
I think that if everything we bought, was done with mindfulness ? down to our clothing, our food -- if all our purchases were done mindfully, in a way, that might bring about more global justice. Because when you just do things out of convenience and you don’t really think about the money that you’re spending, I think somewhere in the world, you begin to (15) oppress somebody, maybe including yourself. I see that as a side effect of globalism. So , in order to make the world more (16)equitable, a more fair and loving place , I think the system for people supporting artists that they love through patronage is a very good idea.
(15) oppress ~を圧迫する、~を苦しめる (16)equitable 公正な、公平な

Morley Robertson(モーリー・ロバートソン)