
アルクが日本各地の魅力を日本語と英語で発信する連載、「アルクの勝手にお国自慢」。今回は、山に囲まれ自然溢れる長野県長野市の紹介です。記事を読んだら思わず行きたくなっちゃうかも? Check it out !


Lead You to Zenkoji Temple">1.牛に引かれて善光寺参りしましょう(※)/A Cow Will Lead You to Zenkoji Temple


Zenkoji temple may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Nagano. It was built over 1,400 years ago and has been designated a national treasure. It is believed that salvation in the afterlife is granted to anyone who makes a visit to the temple, whatever sect or school that person belongs to . More than 6 million people visit the temple annually.
Following a cow to Zenkoji” comes from an old tale and is also known as a proverb that implies that following someone or something by happenstance can lead to something good.

2.チビッ子忍者村(長野市戸隠)/Kids’ Ninja Village (Nagano city, Togakushi)

写真: チビッ子忍者村

長野駅から車で1時間ほどの戸隠は、実は知る人ぞ知る、忍者の里なのです! 忍者村は、からくり屋敷や忍者体験等、大人でも楽しめるコンテンツがいっぱいなアミューズメントパークです。長野市民であれば、一度は行ったことがあるはず。 大自然の中であなたも忍者になってみてはいかがでしょうか。

Togakushi is located an hour’s drive from Nagano Station and is known as the home of Togakushi Ninja. Ninja Village is a ninja theme park, where both kids and adults can enjoy a variety of hands- on attractions and activities, such as visiting a ninja trick house. It’s a must- see place for locals and visitors alike. Everyone should come out and enjoy this “ninja experienceset amid the beauty of nature .


写真: 戸隠そば博物館 とんくるりん


After having fun at Ninja Village, why don’t you indulge yourself with some of Togakushi’s famous soba (buckwheat noodles)? Rich in both taste and aroma, Togakushi soba is known as one of the three best varieties of soba in Japan.

写真: 八幡屋礒五郎


Here, let me introduce shichimi togarashi (a mixture of red cayenne pepper and other aromatic spices), which is an important condiment ? at least for me ? when you eat soba. You may not know Yahataya Isogoro’s shichimi togarashi, but I highly recommend it. This brand, with more than 270 years of history, adds an accent to shichimi by adding ginger. It brings a fresh taste to whatever it accompanies, and it goes well with soba, udon (wheat flour noodles), hot pot, etc. Please give it a try.

4.えびす講煙火大会/Nagano Ebisuko Fireworks Festival

写真: ながのシティプロモーション


This fireworks festival is held in November, which is unusual in Japan since the majority of such festivals usually take place in summer. In recent years, many skilled pyrotechnicians have been participating in the event to showcase their new firework designs. The special event attracts the hearts of fireworks fans from across the country. It may be a little chilly but worth seeing! The festival for 2017 is scheduled as follows :

2017年11月23日(木) 18:00~20:00
Thursday, November 23, 2017, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


A:Where is Nagano city?長野市ってどこにあるの?

B:It’s located in the north of Nagano prefecture . It’s about one and a half hours by bullet train from Tokyo.

Welcome to Nagano city! First let’s visit Zenkoji temple.You can take a bus from Nagano Station or go on foot (20 minutes). 長野市にようこそ!まずは善光寺を参拝しに行きましょう。長野駅からバスでも徒歩(20分)でも行けるよ。
We had a lot of fun at Ninja Village! You’re totally hooked on ninja!忍者村楽しかったね!あなた、すっかり忍者のとりこね!
It was cold, but the fireworks were just so beautiful. Let’s go and watch next year, too!寒かったけど花火とっても綺麗だったね。また来年も観に行こう!
A:What’s in Yahataya Isogoro’s shichimi?八幡屋磯五郎の七味って何が入っているの?

B:It blends seven kinds of herbs and spices, bansho chili pepper, byakukyo ginger, shiso (Japanese basil), sansho (Japanese pepper), dried tangerine peel , sesame, and hemp seeds.




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