アルクが日本各地の魅力を日本語と英語で発信する連載、「 アルクの勝手にお国自慢 」。 今回は「鹿児島県」。
鹿児島の人は大の温泉好き。鹿児島の源泉総数は温泉大国の大分につぐ、日本で2番目です。( 参考:平成28年版 環境統計集 )銭湯のほとんどが温泉でしかも格安なので、家にお風呂があっても仕事が終わると近所の銭湯にサッと寄っては入浴します。人によっては毎日行く人も。気分によって行く温泉を変えたりもします。
Kagoshima people like hot springs very much. Kagoshima prefecture has more hot springs than any other prefecture in Japan, except for the “hot spa kingdom” Oita prefecture ( reference :https://www.env.go.jp/doc/toukei/contents/pdfdata/h28/2016_3.pdf
). Most of the public baths are reasonably priced and hot springs, Kagoshima people often use after work , even if they have a bath in their own home. Some go to a public bath every day, and may different one each time depending on their mood.
写真提供:公益社団法人 指宿市観光協会 *写真は山川砂むし温泉 砂湯里
指宿にはいくつか砂むし温泉がありますが、その中でもオススメは指宿駅から徒歩20分ほどの場所に位置する、砂むし会館「 砂楽(さらく) 」。海岸の砂むし温泉に加え、館内には大浴場やサウナも完備する温泉施設です。
Ibusuki Onsen is the most popular hot spring in Kagoshima. The “sand baths” are especially famous. Bathing in the sand, while listening to the tide at the coast, is very relaxing .I recommend “Saraku”, which is a 20-minute walk from Ibusuki Station. It not only has coastal sand baths but also large indoor public baths and saunas.
It is said that sand baths increases the blood flow the sand pressure and heator “detoxing” is pseudo-science. How about enjoying one of those very rare sand baths in front of a wide ocean view !
Ibusuki is not too easy to get to ! (It takes about two hours by car from Kagoshima Airport.) If you want to go to a more conveniently located hot spring, how about “Iou-Valley Hot Spring” in Kirishima Hotel?It is close Kagoshima Airport (about 30 minites by car) and is luxurious as you can see in the picture.
The depth of the standing hot water in the central public bath reaches 25 meters. The facility is a magnificent space created by collecting stones and national trees from throughout the country. Such an impressive hot spring is unique , and worth experiencing at least once .
When you visit Ibusuki, I recommend you go to a restaurant in Tosenkyo. This is the birthplace of the rotating, “flowing somen” (thin noodles). Annually about 200,000 people visit Tosenkyo and of course the local people love it, too.You might imagine "somen-nagashi" are served on bamboo, but here the noodles somen spin around inside a special sink-like device . Also , Tosenkyolocated in a ravine and is surrounded by beautiful nature . You can enjoy this special noodles throughout the year as it’s cool in the summer and warm in winter thanks to heaters.
The sake made in Kagoshima is a type of shochu. Visitors can join factory tours to watch the production process . The Honbo Shuzo brewery has been in Kagoshima for over 100 years since it first started making shochu using sweet potatoes. Recently Honbu Shuzo’s local Mars Tsukusu distillery has become popular.It is the country’s southernmost whiskey distillery, and is located in Kasueda Tsuzuki in Satsuma City. Speaking of whiskey, it has the image of “sake made in a cold area ,” but Honbo Shuzo knows the local water and climate so well that it has been able to make a unique kind of whiskey using the warm and humid climate of Kagoshima.
Here you can also visit the factory, which is next to an old specially renovated private house in which there is also a quaint cafe bar and shop called Robust (hojo), where you can taste the whiskey.
If someone comes from Kagoshima, you might imagine that they are a heavy drinker, and in many cases you would be correct ! When I used to go to my friend's house, she sometimes served me shochu (not tea!) in a teacup. Below is a reproduction of the scene in Kagoshima dialect .
鹿児島弁 トーク再現
Me (A) and my friend's mother (B)B: Oh, A-chan, I have not seen you for a long time.
A: No , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, have we? But I’m really mad now!B: What's wrong? What are you mad at?
A: On the way, a lot of ash fell on my head, and my hair looks awful. It’s embarrassing .B: Oh no ... Are you OK? Take your time and drink this.
A: Wow! This is shochu, isn’t it?B: Yeah, of course . You wanted a drink, didn’t you?
A: Yeah, it's delicious. Thank you . I don’t care about my hair anymore.
Now you've read a conversation in the Kagoshima dialect , I'm sure you'd like to talk some Kagoshima citizens. The best place to go would be Kagotama Furusato Food Village, which is very popular among the locals.It has 25 unique , small restaurants and one specialty shochu shop. Because these intimate restaurants only seat fewer than 10 customers, you can talk with your neighbors, as well as the clerks.
It is also recommended that you go bar-hopping so that you can not only chat with the locals but also sample the many tastes and flavors of Kagoshima.
Tanegashima boasts Japan's only rocket launch base and it’s called “the closest island in the universe” in Japan. “Tanegashima Space Art Festival" will be held here in summer, 2017.It is scheduled from summer to autumn, and artworks will be exhibited around the whole island during that period . Also , various art projects and events are scheduled to take place , including a super planetarium in a cave, a midnight cafe event , talks, and workshops.
The shield soldier shrine has enjoyed recent popularity in Kagoshima.Also known as the Kamafuta Shrine (Kamafuda Shinka), it is said that your wishes will come true if you follow the peculiar ritual of putting a pot lid on your head, and go from the shrine ’s gate (torii) to the Worship Hall without dropping it.
This shrine by the coast is surrounded by the sea, so it is difficult to achieve the goal without dropping the lid on many of the windy days the area has. But even if you do drop it, you can try again and again. Even if you don’t succeed, it’s good fun to try.
Sengan-en (Iso Garden) and its facilities are registered as a UNESCO world heritage site and are a popular tourist attraction showing “Meiji Japan's Industrial Revolution Heritage ".It is a symbolic place in Kagoshima, where various aspects of local history, culture and nature come together. A Starbucks coffee restaurant was opened on March 29, 2017 in the renovated tangible cultural property “Old Sekike Nojima Tsuya Kanayama mining business office," adjacent to Senshin Garden.
The shop is spacious and the Satsuma kiriko cut glass design along the walls together with the coffee allows visitors to relax and enjoy the spectacular view of Sakurajima, while feeling the history of Satsuma.
さらに桜島を近くで見れる、ちょっと地元っぽい楽しみ方をご紹介します。仙巌園を観光した後に仙巌園ほど近くにある お店 で、鹿児島で古くから親しまれている郷土菓子「 両棒餅 」(じゃんぼもち)をテイクアウト。
If you want ot get a closer look at Sakurajima, another thing the locals like to do after sightseeing in Sengan-en is to pick up some jumbo mochi from a local shop ? jumbo mochi is a kind of rice cake that has been associated with Kagoshima for a long time.Then you can walk the 300 meters from Sengan-en to the sandy Isokaisuiyokujo beach,and have a leisurely look across the ocean to Sakurajima.
The drive - on ferry to Sakurajima takes 15 minutes. You can also go on foot.車に乗ったままフェリーで15分くらいで桜島に行けます。もちろん車なしでも船に乗れますよ。
If you want to eat ramen noodles, in pork broth soup, a recommended restaurant is Tontoro. The local people love it there, too.豚骨ラーメンが食べたければ、ぜひ「 豚とろ 」に行ってみてください。地元の人も大好きです。
If you want some souvenirs of your trip, I recommend a sweet cake called kasutadon, or sweet potato delicacies, appropriately named “Lovely.”お土産をお探しなら、甘いケーキの「 かすたどん 」かスイートポテトの「 ラブリー 」がオススメですよ。
In 2018, NHK’s long-running historical drama series Taiga Drama will be “Sego Don." Sego Don was an important Kagoshima samurai born in the Edo era.いかがでしたか?次回の「アルクの勝手にお国自慢」は、群馬県バージョンをお届けします!The new cast will have Keiko Kitagawain the Atsuhime role ! The original story was written by Mariko Hayashi, and adapted for TV by screenwriter Miho Nakano.
As well as a romantic story between a man and woman, the story is also apparently full of unconventional love stories, such as those bewtween a teacher and student, forbidden love within a family, and love between boys This will surely be a novel “Sego Don.”
If the drama gets you interested in Kagoshima, why not come and enjoy a healing trip to this wonderful area ?
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!