

What kind of homework did you get for the summer holidays?

日本の多くの学校の夏休みは8月後半で終わり、9月から2学期が始まります。これは、小学校から大学までほぼ同じですね。その前に……夏休みの宿題を総まとめする大 作業 が残っています。それぞれ楽しみ(苦しんだ?)宿題を、懐かしく思い出してみましょう。

最後の駆け込みが王道!? Doing the homework at the very last moment is normal!

Usually Japanese students get homework from school to do during the summer holidays. The level is different for each grade but everybody has to, for example , solve problems in their workbooks, create something with clay or wood, write an essay about a book, and make a picture diary. The toughest assignment to do at the very last moment is the picture diary. Some people do homework together as a family to meet the deadline on the first day of the second term . What memories of summer homework come to your mind? Let's look at some ( standard ) examples of summer homework.


たいてい、日本の生徒には学校から夏休みの宿題が出されます。学年によってレベルは違えどドリルを渡されて問題を解いたり、図画工作をしたり読書感想文や絵日記を書いたり。そして、最後にまとめてやるのが一番難しいのが絵日記です。2学期初日の締め切りに間に合わせるために、宿題の最後の駆け込み 作業 は家族総動員、という人も見られます。さて、どんな夏休みの宿題が頭に浮かびますか? 宿題の定番例を見ていきましょう。

Picture diary/絵日記

You write and draw your memories of the summer holiday in a diary. This is one of the easiest assignments as homework, but one of the hardest to do at the last moment of the summer holidays. The biggest problem is that you probably won't remember the daily weather. In times past parents would have to search through old newspapers, now it would probably be much easier to find daily weather records on the Internet.



report /読書感想文">Book report /読書感想文

After reading an assigned book, or any kind of book, you write an essay about the book. Usually you have to write one to three pages on Japanese manuscript paper. You'll probably see at least one student in every class write just a few sentences, and get scolded for it...



Independent research/自由研究"> Independent research/自由研究

Any kind of topic, usually in the science field , is acceptable . For example , elementary school kids might put their milk teeth in cider and see how they are affected, or watch ants to see how they make their tunnels, or find out what beetles eat. You can do any kind of research in any field , as per your own preference . You are free to choose the subject , but you cannot be free from the assignment itself.



Arts and crafts/図画・工作

You could paint scenery with watercolors, create an animal with clay or make a chair with wood. Some kids participate in an invention competition.




You have to solve problems in workbooks on all kinds of subjects, such as Japanese, math, science, social studies and so on . Workbook is common for teachers who are not very creative in assigning homework. You can see the kids' personalities in that some finish their workbooks at the very beginning of the summer holidays and some wait to do them at the very end.



memo /音楽ノート">Music memo /音楽ノート

While watching music- related TV programs, such as "Meikyoku (= masterpiece ) Album," you write about how you feel, your impression of the music and so on . The main purpose of this homework is just to get students used to listening to music and familiarize them with the work of famous composers.



Radio exercises/ラジオ体操カード

You have to take your roll- call card and get it stamped every day after doing physical exercise to music and MC's voice on the radio. The toughest part is that the exercises start from six thirty in the morning all over Japan, so you have to get up early. This homework is also supposed to be to help you get used to getting up early in the morning.



「計画倒れ」とはいかにして起こるかを、身にしみさせる目的なのか? とも思えるように、なかなかできないのが夏休みの宿題。あれこれ知恵を絞っていかに手早く片づけるか……そんな思考回路が一番鍛えられるのも、夏休みの宿題かもしれません。


I had homework such as picture diaries, independent research, arts and crafts, workbooks, music memos, morning exercises with the radio and so on . Some people finish the homework at the beginning of the holidays and some do it at the very last moment. You can see each child's personality from their choice.


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カナダ・オーストラリアに留学ののち、ボストン大学コミュニケーション学部修士課程ジャーナリズム専攻、東北大学博士前期課程人間社会情報科学専攻修了。通信社の国際金融情報部、出版社にて国内・海外の取材記事や交渉ほかを担当。海外通販会社の役員を経て、諸媒体の翻訳・執筆・プロデュース などを手がける。 著書に『 コトバのギフト~輝く女性の100名言 』(講談社)、『 スティーブ・ジョブズに学ぶ英語プレゼン 』(日経BP社)ほか多数。仕事と趣味で旅した国は50カ国を超える。






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