『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2022年5月号の特集は「アメリカ英語大解剖MAP」。50州から成る、The United States of America(アメリカ合衆国)。各州独自の歴史や文化、話される英語など、その個性はさまざまです。この記事ではその一部をご紹介。アメリカ「南部」「西部」の出身者が話す英語インタビューのリスニングに挑戦してみてください。各地の発音の特徴に触れ、アメリカ英語のリスニング力を身に付けましょう!
南部:Michael Taborさん(ジョージア州出身)
I was born in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. I grew up in Georgia and in Tennessee, and currently live in North Carolina. I think one of the neat characteristics about where I grew up is that ? I think agricultural’s a neat thing ? and it was a very big agricultural area where I grew up. A lot of crops, and corn and wheat and soya beans and stuff like that were grown around where I grew up. Everybody that lived on my road, we all knew each other , so we always knew when there was a different vehicle driving down the road ? vehicle we didn’t recognize .
I think there are a lot of differences in the way people speak in the southeastern portion of the United States. People in Georgia speak different than people in Tennessee ? same with North Carolina, West Virginia. There are a lot of different phrases. Like, some people might say, “tire (/tai?r/), other people might say “tire(/ta:r/)” ? like a car tire, stuff like that.
In the city, definitely go to Dewar’s if you can. Go to the Kern County Fair ? it’s really fun tosee all the agriculture that students have been raising, working really hard on . And then the fair also showcases crafts. So I like to quilt, so I like to go and look at all the quilts that people have made.
And I think the nickname for our state is the Golden State . And I think that has a lot to do with the sort of rolling Golden Hills that we have and the fact that gold was found here ? and that brought a lot of people to California.
I think California has a very uniquesort of Valley girl accent. And I’m not sure if that’s just because it was portrayed in movies and then people said, “Oh, well they must speak like that over here.” So there’s this kind of airheaded twit, uneducated snob blonde sound, that a lot of people have in California. But then I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but I’ve heard of the stereotype of the surfer language. Because we have so many beaches, so many people like tosurfso they “ride the waves, dude,” and stuff like that. I think our town is a little different .