




Once upon a time, a god and many animals all lived close . There was an important event for all the animals every year. It was for each to visit the god on New Year’s Day for an annual greeting. One day, the god told the animals that the first 12 to visit him on the next New Year’s Day would be treated as zodiac animals. This announcement resulted in an exciting race to the god’s residence. The order of “ne, ushi, tora ...” reflected the race results. The rat was the winner and the boar came 12th.



十二支読本: 暦と運勢のしくみを読み解く


干支の動物はそれぞれある概念を反映しています。ご存じですか? 例えば今年の干支、イヌは「献身」を象徴しています。愛犬家(私も愛犬家です)の皆さんにとっては、しっくりくる概念かもしれませんね。 ご自身の干支は何を象徴したものなのかをぜひご覧ください。

子 (ね)ne :Rat [Energy 活力]

丑 (うし)ushi :Ox [Honesty 誠実]

寅 (とら)tora :Tiger [Wit 才知]

卯 (う)u :Rabbit / Hare [Gentleness 穏やかさ]

辰 (たつ)tatsu :Dragon [Justice 正義]

巳 (み)mi : Snake [Passion 情熱]

午 (うま)uma :Horse [Cheer 陽気]

未 (ひつじ)hitsuji :Sheep [Peace 平和]

申 (さる)saru :Monkey [Versatility 多才]

酉 (とり)tori : Rooster / Cock [Promptness 敏速]

戌 (いぬ)inu :Dog [Devotion 献身]

亥 (い)i :Boar/ Pig [Well -being 健康]


それでは、あなたの干支にぴったりな「2018年の英語学習アドバイス」をご紹介します。干支の動物たちからの占いアドバイス に従って 学習に取り組めば、英語力アップは間違いありませんよ!


Year of the Rat(ネズミ年)子(ね)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

In certain cases, you may need to spend a lot of time on planning. However , the most important thing is to actually start doing some work !


This year, you should put emphasis on what you do rather than what you think. Logic and reasoning are important qualities if you are writing up a research report , but if you want to master the English language, the most important thing is to engage in actual activities. Try putting more importance on practicing speaking and listening rather than on an analysis of grammar.
今年は、考えることよりも行動することを重用視しましょう。理屈や理由は、研究報告を書いているのならば大切です。でも、英語をマスターしたいのならば、学習を実践していくことが大切。文法の 分析 などよりも、スピーキングやリスニングの課題を大切にしていきましょう!


CD-ROM付 起きてから寝るまで英語表現1000

Year of the Ox(ウシ年)丑(うし)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

The achiever is not always the quickest. Anyone can be an achiever as long as she or he is careful.


There are definite reasons for all the steps in your textbooks, and so it is important to follow procedures. The authors have put a considerable amount of effort into providing what they think will be the best methods for mastering English. So why not use it?
あなたの教科書の全てのステップには明確な理由があります。だから、 手順従う ことが重要です。 著者たちは英語をマスターするカリキュラムを提供するために、たくさん努力をしてくれたのです。 なぜそれを使用しないのですか?

Year of the Tiger(トラ年)寅(とら)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

It’s all like acting. Everything you say will lead to success.


Communicating in English is like creating another “you” in a different setting. You need to ACT in order to be understood. This year, please try to think of yourself as an actor on a stage of an English-speaking world.

Year of the Rabbit(ウサギ年)卯(う)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

There is a saying that haste makes waste. You should be aware of that.


You need to work slowly and consistently this year. There may be anxiety at first , but don’t panic. If you always keep your goals in mind ? for example , attaining a high TOEIC score ? everything will be conducted successfully. This is also a good year for strengthening basic skills such as grammar and vocabulary.
今年は、ゆっくりと着実に歩む年です。最初は焦りを感じるかもしれませんが、あわてないで。常に目標(例えばTOEICのスコアなど)を念頭に置けば、全てうまく流れます。今年は、文法や語彙といった基礎的な知識を 強化する のに良い年でもあります。


  • 作者: 綿貫陽,マーク・ピーターセン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 旺文社
  • 発売日: 2011/09/10
  • メディア: 単行本
  • 購入: 2人 クリック: 7回
  • この商品を含むブログを見る

Year of the Dragon(タツ年)辰(たつ)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

Let’s look for people who bring good luck to you!


There may be encounters with people who will bring happiness to you this year, in terms of academic merit. This could be your teachers or friends who may share common goals. They may be somebody whom you have already met. Co-studying is the key.

GOTCHA! 執筆者人に運命の「指導者」がいるかも?

Year of the Snake(ヘビ年)巳(み)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

The important thing is to keep your beliefs in mind, no matter where you are.


Your efforts towards English study will be rewarded. This year, you will very likely be able to feel some sudden improvement if you keep up your current study habits. Go for it!


Year of the Horse(ウマ年)午(うま)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

Everything has its own place in this world. Nothing is meaningless.


You may be asked to do some study activities that might seem boring. However , if you want to be a fluent speaker of English or attain a high TOEIC score, you need to work on such activities. Patience is the key to success.
 今年は、退屈に思える学習に 取り組む ことを求められるでしょう。しかし、英語を流暢に話したり、TOEICで高いスコアを取ったりするためには、そうしたことに 取り組む 必要があります。忍耐が成功への鍵です。

Year of the Sheep(ヒツジ年)未(ひつじ)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

Everything starts from what you think of your situation .


This year, everything you do will come back to you. Therefore , I advise you to set your goals very carefully. You need to figure out whether you want to strengthen your English ability on the whole or just certain skills.
今年は、自分のやったことが全て自分に返ってきます。ですから、学習の目標は注意深く設定しましょう。特定のスキルを 強化 していくか、英語力全体を上達させるのかをしっかり考えておくことが必要です。 目標設定のヒントはこちらでチェック

Year of the Monkey(サル年)申(さる)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

A storm will always pass if you wait.


Maintenance is the keyword for this year. You should not try to be too adventurous in your English studies. It’s better to continue with courses or study materials that you already know rather than entering an entirely new field .

Rooster (トリ年)酉(とり)">Year of the Rooster (トリ年)酉(とり)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

Patience is a skill that everyone can possess.


This year, you may find many obstacles within yourself. Nothing outside will disturb you, but you may get bored with your English study . As you know, it is important to keep up your English. Try working with some interesting materials.


Year of the Dog(イヌ年)戌(いぬ)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

There is always a chance for everyone.


You may encounter a lot of opportunities to use your English in public this year. Your efforts in the past may be rewarded. Try putting more emphasis upon speaking practice .

Year of the Boar(イノシシ年)亥(い)

1年の流れ:The trend for this year

Everyone has his or her own opinion. That is what makes us all unique .
みんな、自分の意見を持っています。 だからこそ、私たちは皆、唯一無二の存在なのです。


This year, the important thing for you to do is to think about what you are going to do with your English study in the future . It means determining the level of proficiency you want to develop and the skills you want to strengthen . You may look back in your old textbooks or study diaries to help you decide your future in terms of English study . Good luck !
今年は、あなたが 今後 、英語学習についてどうしていきたいかを考えることが重要です。それは、あなたが到達したいと思う英語運用レベルや、 強化 したいと思うスキルを決めるということです。

以前使っていたテキストや学習記録を見て、 今後の 英語学習をどうしていきたいかを決めましょう。


2018年の英語学習運はいかがでしたか? 皆さんが楽しく英語学習に取り組めるようお祈りしております。

So , how was your advice for 2018? The zodiac animals do wish you all the best in your studies! Thank you for taking the time to read this article . And good luck !

英語学習と英語学習アドバイス、水泳、読書、料理、犬と猫、そして「古今東西の不思議な存在」をこよなく愛する。南方熊楠を尊敬。国内外を問わず旅行が好きで、「イギリスのストーンヘンジ」を再訪したい。今年の目標は、和食の「だし」をもっと美味しく取れるようになること。The Lord is my shepherd; therefore can I lack nothing.(詩篇23篇から)が座右の銘。

構成・編集:Natsue Tanaka(GOTCHA!エディター/ライター)


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